Christmas fever has hit. I’m officially loving everything with extra glitter and sparkle lights. There is something so magical about Christmas. Last night my husband and I went to small group – this awesome thing in our lives where we get to meet with other young couples every other week and eat good food, chat about life, pray, and learn about Jesus. We take turns hosting and as I was walking into our friends’ home, I noticed their neighbors tree was sparkling. This huge tree in their backyard was sparkling. After a moment, I realized they had placed one of those light projectors onto their tree – so the tree branches were catching the tiny colors of light. It was so magical – and the lights reached all the way to the top, high above our heads and homes.

So – today I wanted to share with you this simple Christmas place setting that we created for last year’s Tour.

We simply used the homeowner’s dishes, a silver charger, napkins & a table runner from trusty-ol’ Target, and eucalyptus.
I may have taken approximately 1,328 pictures of the entire home. Okay, not that many – but I seriously took 400. That is not an exaggeration. And as I look through the photos, I’m just reminded how much thought went into each decision. Like that ribbon around the napkin – the homeowner and I discussed how every little detail was going to come together. We literally practiced a couple different ways to tie the ribbon around the napkin. I think that’s part of the reason I get the feels when looking at these pictures. We poured our hearts into this project so that everyone coming on the Tour would just enjoy and be inspired.

On the plates, we used a simple sprig of eucalyptus & a gold gel pen to write the family member’s names.
Do you have the fever?! Christmas is coming!