Some fake plants make me crazy. Some even make me queasy. However, when chosen correctly and placed well; branches, succulents, grasses, and silk flowers can really make a beautiful statement.
They bring in a touch of nature and can add a wonderful array of textures to even the hardest space.
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Here are a few simple tips when choosing branches or flowers:

1. Consider the scale: should it be tall and skinny? short and wide? 2. Where’s the focal point: do you want the focal point to be the big chunky vase near the bottom of the arrangement? should the focal point be the big flowers at the top of the arrangement to draw your eye up? 3. Match your color scheme: choose branches, grasses, and flowers that tie in with the color scheme in the rest of the room. 4. Consider the placement in the room: will it be viewed from all sides? or can there be a “front side” to it, i.e. something sitting again the wall on a mantle 5. Make it personal: are there personal touches you could add to your arrangement? For those with western flair: consider adding horseshoes or barbed wire. For those who like warm destinations: put shells from your vacation at the bottom of a glass vase filled with simple grasses. 6. Keep it simple: out of all my tips, this one is more of a personal opinion than the others. Some spaces can handle elaborate floral arrangements, but they usually end up dating the space more quickly than something simple. Narrow it down to a few flowers or grasses that you really like, and the piece is instantly more timeless.
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And a little reminder: bringing nature in doesn’t have to be expensive. Consider reusing something from the yard: logs, branches, cutting fresh flowers, etc. Hobby Lobby runs sales on their items quite often. Even Wal*Mart has some great options.
Stay tuned tomorrow for a custom flower arrangement I recently made for a client’s kitchen.